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Syifa Azzahra

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Syifa Azzahra

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Syifa Azzahra

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Your Monster 2024 Ac3.BluRay Magnet Download

Your Monster 2024 torrent
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Monster: Too bad you fell apart


After her life falls apart, sweet-voiced actress Laura Franco finds her voice again when she encounters a terrifying, yet strangely charming monster living in her closet. A romantic comedy-horror about falling in love with your inner rage. Filmed at the Ritz and mostly in New Jersey.

Now I have this cute monster routine

I think you’d find it very, well, scary. Referenced in Amanda the Jedi Show: The Best and Weirdest Movies You (Mostly) Haven’t Seen Yet | Love Lies Bleeding (2024). After Laura fights for her life against cancer, despite Jacob’s inability to be there for her, she returns to the world alone.

With his support, Laura rises up and fights for herself

Jacob has moved on from their dream of doing Broadway together and left Laura, forgetting all of her contributions and support. Struggling to cope with betrayal and isolation, Laura’s childhood monster returns in her time of need. This dark and twisted romantic comedy is reminiscent of the classic imaginary friend movie Drop Dead Fred.

The story is simple but has twists and turns that will keep the audience engaged

The comedy may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but those with a dark sense of humor will enjoy it. The film starts off slow and builds slowly, making the one hour and thirty-eight minute runtime seem longer than it is. This is a fun and unique watch, especially for spooky season, but it needs to be better to be worth the price of admission.

It might be a good addition to your streaming list

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